2 Samuel 11:1-27 | Be Killing Sin, Or It Will Be Killing You

We see from David both the man of God and the man of the world, and this portion of his life should make us pause. Even though David sinned greatly, God would not give up on Him. God was faithful, though it was painful, to bring David back to repentance. We can have the same assurance through Christ. May David’s life be a reminder to us to guard our hearts, and then repent quickly when we fall.

ESTABLISH 101 - "Jesus Came To Give Life"

Jesus’ death wasn’t the end. He promised that He would rise again after 3 days. As a few women followers went to the tomb carrying spices they had prepared (burial custom), they entered the tomb to be shocked by an angel who told them Jesus had indeed risen! Jesus appears to them, tells them to go tell the disciples, and off they ran afraid and joyful as they ran off to do so. Peter and John too ran to the tomb to see if it was true, found only burial clothes, but were still confused.  Jesus appeared to many, he was worshiped by them, and then ascended after giving them a blessing and telling them to spread the Good News.