In Jesus' final days on earth, we will learn about the New Covenant, a contract that He will fulfill perfectly. He introduces what we now now of as the Lord's Supper. Finally, the scripture tells us of the agony Jesus experienced as he went to a place called Gethsemane where He confidently submitted to the will of God the Father.
ESTABLISH 101 - "Choices in This Life Affect Our Eternity"
In today's lesson, Jesus will challenge us again to live life in light of God's Kingdom and eternity. Sadly, many tend to waste their brief time on earth investing in things that won't last. As we focus on the Biblical account of a rich man and a poor man named Lazarus we will see Jesus showing The Way - which is by faith in Him alone.
ESTABLISH 101 - "Jesus Reveals More of Who He Is"
Throughout the four gospels - Matthew, Mark, Luke and John - Jesus is given various names/images/descriptions to identify and describe who He is and what he is going to do. This lesson will further reveal who Jesus is.
ESTABLISH 101 - "New Birth"
In this lesson we will learn that God will only accept a sinner if he’s been born again through the Holy Spirit. At first glance, it might seem like Jesus is teaching something brand-new. But He isn’t. Let’s dig into this biblical account to understand Jesus' message.
ESTABLISH 101 - "Jesus Turns Things Over as He Heals and Forgives
In this lesson we’ll see how Jesus lives and models what God intends His Kingdom to look like. This isn’t a political or religious kingdom, as many of the Israelites were expecting. In many ways Jesus acts counter-culturally to the established religious systems and rules. He is going to turn the religious leaders worlds upside-down with his teaching and his actions. Or could we say, he is going to bring God’s kingdom right-side-up.
ESTABLISH 101 - "Jesus is Fully God and Fully Man"
See how the scripture reveals that Jesus, the Deliverer, was not only a human, but clearly fully God.
ESTABLISH 101 - "The Promised Deliverer Has Come - EMMANUEL"
Angel appears to two different couples, promising a messenger to one and a deliverer to the other! Come hear as many prophecies of old are fulfilled in this hopeful lesson.
ESTABLISH 101 - The Deliverer Will Be God Himself
In today’s lesson we are going to see how well a human king worked out for Israel as a nation. If you have been seeing Israel’s cycles of faithfulness towards God (or lack thereof), you can guess with accuracy that things didn’t go very well for very long. The cycles of rebellion continued, and there were consequences. Through His prophets, God encourages, challenges, and calls the people back to Himself. And through these cycles God reminds Israel of the Deliverer - the one who would offer true freedom from their rebellious, sinful hearts.
ESTABLISH 101 - "God is Faithful to His Promise and His People"
God has led the Israelites, His chosen and set apart people, out of bondage in Egypt to the promised land. The Israelites have traveled a long way and are now at the Canaan border - this is the promised land. The land God promised to Abraham. God had provided and sustained them in the wilderness with food and water, taught them many lessons (10C’s, trust and faith) and now He wanted them to experience even more of His promised blessings. And unfortunately, Israel is still sinful and rebellious - This lesson will dive in and see their cycles of rebellion and God's immense grace through it all!
ESTABLISH 101 - God's Presence with His Chosen People
This lesson covers the detailed construction of the Tabernacle, where God would dwell with Israel in a special way. It outlines the sacrificial system and rituals as well as details of the Levitical Priesthood. All these are a foreshadowing of God’s Deliverer who would one day come and dwell among us.
Genesis 37 - The Providence of God
The story of Joseph is about God working his will through the everyday events of life. God is involved in all events and directs all things according to His own purposes. This guidance and care is known as providence.
ESTABLISH 101 - 10 Commandments Expose our Sin and Need for the Deliverer
At Mount Sinai, God overwhelms Israel with a visible expression of Himself. Here, He taught them His holy standard, that they were His chosen people, set apart from the world, and called to obey fully and keep God's covenant - and all this within a unique relationship!
Genesis 35 & 36 - The God Who Renews
From the beginning to the end of Genesis, the reality of sin is contrasted with the hope of God’s promise to renew all things to the way they were meant to be. God is renewing His world in the midst of the failures of humanity.
ESTABLISH 101 - God Delivers From Bondage
In this biblical account, God delivers the final of 10 plagues in Egypt. This is God's final act against Pharaoh and his hard heart. Other truths revealed in this lesson are; God requires obedience, God completely rescues, God leads and provides (lovingly, mercifully, graciously)
Genesis 33 & 34 - The Sinfulness of Humanity and the Faithfulness of God
Let us not elevate characters in the Bible. The Bible is full of corrupt and broken men and women. We are longing for a hero that rules with justice, liberty, love, patience, conviction.
When it comes to God, almost obedience is never enough. God requires full obedience.
The only hero is Jesus Christ.
Jesus kept the law perfectly. Followed God perfectly.
He who knew no sin, became sin, that we may become the righteousness of God.
His wrath was poured out on His son Jesus Christ on our behalf.
ESTABLISH 101 - God Protects, Provides, and Pursues
This lesson continues in the Bible beyond the book of Genesis, into the book of Exodus. We will see how God powerful, and sovereign orchestrates events and fulfills old prophecy's and promises made long ago with Abraham. The Israelites are enslaved, Moses is led to deliver them from Pharaoh and the first 9 of 10 plagues are studied. God tirelessly protects, provides a rescue, and pursues relationship with His people as shown in this historical account.
Genesis 31 & 32 - God Is With Us
God is with his people as he pours out his grace through their weakness and brokenness in order to comfort them in adversity and affliction.
ESTABLISH 101 - Evil Cannot Hinder God's Plan for the Deliverer
As we delve into the lives of Esau, Jacob and Joseph we will see a pattern that continues even today since The Fall of humanity. All these men and their parents were sinful from birth, and as some of them put their faith in the coming Deliverer they still struggled to honour God in all areas of life. We will touch on some of the struggles we encounter today that distract us too from the life God would have for us and reflect on hardships that many of us face and how to think Biblically especially in those seasons of life.
Genesis 29 & 30 - God of The Broken
Despite all the brokenness in Genesis 29 & 30: the polygamy, the lies, the baby wars, the desperation, and the deception God chooses to be the God of the broken. Through Leah’s son Judah, God’s covenant promises will be fulfilled. Through Leah’s descendants, would eventually lead to King David—and King Jesus!
ESTABLISH 101 - God Tests and Provides
This lesson covers the birth of Isaac, the promised son to Abraham and Sarah who's names were changed from Abram and Sarai by God. We will learn of the tremendous obedience God called Abraham to, as well as how God provided a substitute for Isaac. There is much embedded in this lesson which is a foreshadowing of the Deliverer yet to come.